Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stills from the Week

-Poppet with my friends two boys in Melbourne, at the beginning of the week. The change in colour between the dried landscape of Victoria and the lush green up here in Queensland now is amazing. Looking at the forecast I see Victoria is due a hot week and I fear for my poor roses with no one to water them…
-In the garden at Nana and Grandpa's, playing on the water slide.
-A cool, rainy evening when we went for a walk. The rain fell gently and the air was full of the sound of cicadas and the wild caw of cockatoos. There were so many mosquitos biting that my Poppet put her hands on her hips and said "We're not lollipops!"
-Flowers we saw on our walk.
-Poppet and I gathered these frangipani from the grass under a tree and brought them home to Nana. I do love frangipani. (I only learnt last year that in some places it's called 'plumeria'.)
- A mango fresh picked from Nana and Grandpa's tree. I had it for breakfast the following day and I think I'll remember the taste of it for the rest of my life. It was that good. That and the apricots I ate straight from the tree down at our coast house have been the most glorious things I've eaten all year (and I'm counting last year here too!) There's no surpassing from-the-tree fruit!
-Poppet, napping on her bed at Nana's, in the middle of a busy day.

Joining with the lovely Em over at The Beetle Shack for moments from our week.