Saturday, January 11, 2014


- Sprocket playing on the swings at Nana and Grandpa Sheba's house. We're holidaying up near the Sunshine Coast in Queensland now, and loving the rich greens and gentle light - such a change from the dryness and browner shades of Victoria!
- Poppet about to stroke a friendly horse that came over when we were on our evening walk. Poppet calls all horses 'unicorns' - obviously with invisible horns.

Joining with the lovely Jodi of Practicing Simplicity, for a portrait of my kids once a week, every week in 2014.  


  1. Stopping by from the 52 Project -- love it! My son has started calling all horses unicorns, too, as well as all whales narwhals...must be something about the horns, haha.


    1. Poppet's been calling horses unicorns for about 6 months now, and gets annoyed when I forget and call them horses! She saw a picture of a narwhal recently and asked 'Unicorn?' and her face was so puzzled!

  2. So beautiful! Love the horse shot especially just magical!

    1. It was such a lovely walk and the kids were so delighted when the horses came over and were interested in them!

  3. love that horse shot, her face is so full on wonder! x

    1. Wonder is exactly the right word! We often see horses in the distance, but this was one of the first times she's got to touch one.

  4. Lovely photos! Poppet & the horse (sorry- unicorn!) is just magical. x

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