As many of you know I detest and despise hot weather. The sweat trails. The fungal infections. The headaches. The moist pits. The heatstroke. The inability to leave the house between 8.30am and 5pm without broiling.
This is a problem living in Queensland.
I have multiple exceptions. By the sea, within the sea, during storms. Air-con. (Best. Thing. Ever. Do not even care about environmental damage as otherwise we would All Die and clog up the airways with our noxious decaying smell) And of course swimming pools.
Recently, we discovered what it takes to keep one unmedicated (for the holidays) ADHD, ASD kid from destruction and chaos for a WHOLE AFTERNOON. The constant attention of eight adults (undivided attention of two at any given time) and a swimming pool. Easy. Done. Why have we not thought of this before? Much easier then moving to Finland.