We have a richness of roses at the moment and are glorying in their abundance. Everyday a plentitude of new buds slowly unfurl and we stop to admire and ooh and aah and take deep gulps of scent. Over the days we watch with awe as the buds open from discrete and delicate folds to beautiful, blowsy brilliance. We live in a town known for it's roses (as well as it's power stations...) and walks are a delight as we admire and exclaim on all our neighbour's gardens.
No matter how the day is going the sight of the roses and the heady smell never fails to lift me up. We are discovering lots of hidden roses in our garden that the past owners left (generally tangled up with ivy) and I am having the first flowering of all the bushes I hopefully planted in the Autumn.
Today I'm linking up with the lovely Maxabella and being grateful for roses!