Saturday, January 25, 2014


Poppet - grubby faced (again!) eating kabana on the beach. I know as a processed meat it's not wonderful - but it's such an easy picnic food and they both love it!
Sprocket - threading his fishing rod. Both kids have taken to fishing with a vengeance, although their patience still isn't long. Sprocket's theory was he would catch a squid as he had a little squid lure and Poppet would catch a pink fish as she had a pink lure. I'm not sure what my Beloved was meant to catch with his pippi's (shellfish!) In the even we didn't catch anything, but we did have a lovely afternoon!

Joining with the lovely Jodi over at Practising Simplicity for a portrait of my little ones once a week, every week in 2014. 


  1. Just gorgeous. Both of them. What sweet babes you have.

  2. Looks like they are havin' loads of fun

  3. Your kids are so cute and I love how kids see the enviroment around them :)
