But at my back I always hear
Times Winged Chariots hurrying near
Andrew Marvell - To My Coy Mistress*
As we glide into the new year # I can't help a little heartache for time passing, an ever increasing awareness of how quickly my little ones are becoming not so little. These are the days I will always look back on with the greatest nostalgia. And they are passing o so fast.
These days of having my lap full of children, of smooth arms around my neck, of funny ways and phrases, of endless negotiations and adjudication of squabbles, of kisses and little hands in mine, of my children falling asleep in my arms and their boundless wonder in the world, will not last for ever. And they are going o so fast.
I know that what comes next will be equally wonderful and that each age brings its own joy, but this age seems very perfect.
With the new year I'm reminding myself to savour this time, to drink to the full of the moments that will never come back. To hold on to the moments I want to keep safe in my heart (and shonky memory) forever.
This year I've challenged myself to live joyfully in the now and tread gently upon the earth.
In aid of living in the now my Beloved and I drove to the shore and sat at a shaded table. We listened to the birds call, watched the play of sun on the water and the fishermen's good haul and wrote up timetables.
This year we're going to keep on track. This year we're making time for the stuff we really love - and we're going to try to keep up top of the (say it -bleah) housework at the same time.
We're also going to tread gently on the earth - I've set myself the challenge of only buying secondhand or handmade stuff (apart from food) this year. I don't think I'm going to shop less, or more cheaply, but I am hoping to be more mindful of what I buy - and actually enjoy the process!
Have you set yourself any challenges for the new year?
*Seriously, they just don't write pick up lines (or poems!) the way they used to!
#My Papa is calling this year 2012B. Giggle!
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