Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Buffed up Memories

I'm all de-toxed and exfoliated and swingy-haired from my visit to the spa place to make good the voucher my beloved gave me for Christmas. The walking-on-air glow from all the pampering hasn't quite left me. It was lovely - although I was a little disappointed that I could see no actual seaweed strands in the mud and seaweed wrap - but even better it sent me back in time to the last time I'd been there for my last massage. The day nearly eighteen months ago that my Poppet was due. 
I'd been fairly sure that she would be late (as was her big brother) although I had also been fairly sure she would be early - because I really wanted to meet my little girl. 
And of course everyone had asked when I'd waddled in for my pregnancy massage 'when are you due' and I had smiled and said 'today'. And their faces had all frozen in interesting grimaces. 
And I remember I had spent the whole time just feeling my little one kick and squirm and thinking soon, soon, soon, you will come out. Soon we will get to meet you, to hold you. To hold your tiny hands and kiss your little feet. I wonder who you are? Will you have my beloved's eyes or my nose, be of a scientific turn of mind or more into the humanites. Who are you my love?
The dim and the candles and the soft music made me slow down and really focus on the little one about to emerge and is one of my clearest memories of the 'before' time with my Poppet. 
And now she is here. Out in the world and her own very decided little person. 
I could not have imagined into being a more loving, playful, clever and beautiful, completely perfect little girl. Isn't it wonderful how all mother's feel the same! 


  1. Aww... Glad you had a nice day. Your poppet is pretty amazing :-)

  2. A lovely day! And I think the Poppet is very amazing!
