Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sometimes, Magic Comes

We never meant to have an adventure. There was washing to hang, the hound to walk, and the not inconsiderable deterrent of seven thousand words to finish before midnight. However,  the Poppet and I dropped the Sprocket at kindy and then decided to take a quick peek at some blossoming trees we had seen from the car.

 Once we reached the blossom we looked down the hill and saw the lake, and once we saw the lake we had to explore. Once we reached the lake there was a boardwalk that needed following, a gold-gleaming ditch that needed stomping in, and then we saw the Princess Duck, on the far side of the lake.
We circumnavigated the whole of the lake seeking out the Princess Duck (or egret to those of a more orthonological turn), but unfortunately when we reached where the royal bird should be it was hiding in the reeds. Finally, we realised that it was time to pick the Sprocket up from kindy (see Poppet's face above at the thought we might be late!) We had been exploring for the whole of the morning, sidetracked by magic.


  1. Kirsty, these are such beautiful photos and the words add so much to it. It was wonderful meeting you at the creatives last week :)

    1. It was lovely meeting you as well - and I've so enjoyed looking at your blog! I am going to take up Jodi's suggestion and not look at other blogs for a month.. but not till November when I have an ultra busy month!

  2. you have the shortest winter ever. I'm so jealous.
    Also jealous of your adorable children, your way with words, and your incredible photos. LOVE!

  3. The winter is seeming a little long to us - but I can entirely see where you're coming from! We remain very jealous of people who get real snow where they live in winter... but I am glad the plants have decided to head into Spring!

  4. you are welcome to visit our snowy winter anytime. it lasts from about early-November to early May....

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