Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Countdown to NaNoWriMo

My first Writing Wednesday... and I'm in countdown for NaNoWriMo. Which is of course National Novel Writing Month. Which is when all around the world writers settle down to write 50,000 words in the month of November.
According to the countdown on the NaNoWriMo site there are 14 days 2 hours and 33 minutes till we start.
You might be able to tell that I'm already buzzed. To be totally in-story for an entire month - forsaking all other distractions (well, except my Beloved and the kids) o yeah.
My characters are already conversing amongst themselves in my head. I can see them walking through their lives and arguing away as if a movie screen is running in my brain. As I fall asleep at night, as I hang up the washing, I'm listening in as they banter.
Marjory and Toadie. I love them both. (My Beloved has pointed out he doesn't like the name Margjory. I don't either. But that's her name. Until I wrestle her into submission and force a new one on her.) I just hope others will too. Marjory is stubborn and headstrong. Toadie is arrogant and spoilt. But they do have their good points. I also need to work on Toadies human name. 'Toadie' might not cut it.
I'm open to suggestions for a rather snobby upper-class Scottish name from about 1801.
I still need to do a lot of thinking on how to portray their dialect - 1800s lowlander Scots.
I still need to work out precise locations and do a bit more background reading...
But the story is there...
 I need to organise my playlist (Eddie Reader Sings the Songs of Robert Burns will, I suspect, feature prominently)
I need to drag my desk in from the garden room and rid it of all evidence of rodent habitation.
I need to top up the coffee supply. (Thanks for the East Timor coffee, Mama and Papa - it is much appreciated and will be put to a good cause.)
And I need to plan my chapters. As my novel is based on the fairytale the frog prince, I don't need to worry too much about what happens, but I am concerned about how it happens and when.
Not long now...
Hello Toadie, Hello Marjory, I'll be seeing you very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh names. After a quick google, I like the names : Blaine, Ewan, Finlay, Alistair and Malcolm. Do any of them sound like Toadie?
