Poppet - still sleepy and hair all mussed, eating her porridge. (Made with instant milk as we haven't got to the shops yet after our epic drive across the state the night before.)
Littlest - no matter how early her smile lights up the world. (If you have a magnifying glass you might just see her new tooth)
Joining with Jodi for a portrait of my little ones
We have begun our move to Queensland. We've said our bitter-sweet farewell to the fibro shack that has been our home for the last four years and that Littlest came home too. (Beloved still has to go back for one last tidy, and then some unknown time next year to load our boxes and stuff up and bring them up, but the kids and I have said our farewells.) We're stopping at the family beach house to rest and recharge a little before making the trip up North. New beginnings here we come!
oh kirsty, what a huge year it has been for you. may the surf and sun be healing and the change be nothing but magic for you and your beautiful family. i am sure it will be amazing for you so soon. xx