Friday, March 27, 2015


Giggle-Bear - delighted to be crawling in the sand flats at the beach down the road. 

The Extravaganza - Joyous by sea. Her new haircut has grown on me. As this is her second self-given haircut I'm wondering if she has a career ahead of her in the same? 

Adventure Boy - Mud goes with young boys like coffee goes with everything. Beloved and I have long 'conversations' about the relative merits of Victorian vs Queensland beaches and let me say for the record that no Victorian beach I know of has a gazillion square kilometres of silt. Adventure Boy loves it. 

Joining with Jodi for a portrait of my kids, once a week, every week in 2015, 


  1. Looks like you are settling into life in Qld. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. After a rocky start we're really loving it. Thank you!

  2. Love looking at these pictures of your children by the ocean while I still have snow in my yard. Beautiful shots, the lighting is gorgeous.

    1. I love the snow - we drove about eight hours to see it on our trip to the uk over Christmas - so I'm very jealous of your snow in your own back garden - but balmy beach evenings are also good!

  3. Wow, I can really see the resemblance between the girls in these photos! Giggle Bear's smile is the cutest.

    1. Sometimes they do look so similiar. Generally, Giggle-Bear looks exactly like Adventure boy as a baby, but sometimes there'll just be look that's so like The Extravaganza.

  4. Oh what beautiful pictures of all three of them! I love the mud look, I think he's on to something there and it looks a lot of fun and as for Little Miss I Want to Be a Hairdresser - if that's a self given haircut I think that's pretty good - I've certainly seen a lot worse!!

  5. That is definitely a self given hai-cut - with a little bit of neatening up at the hairdresser. It's growing on me!
