Saturday, March 7, 2015

10/52 And the Great Re-naming.

Sprocket - boy with mud, big, beautiful eyes, and cane toad (just out of sight).

Littlest - Sitting with Daddy and taking it all in. 

Poppet - Princess dress, hillock and skateboard. Because that's how she rolls. Also enthusiastic spectator, a little in the way.

Joining with Jodi for a portrait of my little ones, once a week, every week in 2014.

My little ones have grown a lot in the last little while. In fact, so much they've outgrown their old blog names. Soooo henceforth Sprocket will be (Drum-roll please!) Adventure-Boy, Poppet will be The Extravaganza and Littlest will be Giggle-Bear.


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