My wonder girl is seven months old and she is all giggles and cuddles and - surprise - wonder at the amazing of the world. She is crawling - fast. Pulling herself to standing, trying to climb onto things and eating everything in sight. If it'll fit in her mouth she'll try to eat it.
Except the baby food you buy in the supermarket which she believes is poison.
Her favourite foods are roast sweet potato, pumpkin, avocado, banana. And she loves them so much she pushes aside my spoon to use both hands to shovel them in. Oddly, I tend to feed her outside, on the grass.
Her sisters, brother are the most wonderful things in the world - after mummy, the milk and the dog.
She has a laugh like a muppet-machine gun.
Her first tooth has just come through.
And she sings, a gorgeous musical gurgle. I believe she might be the most musical of the girls. The bar is not particularly high.
She has a strong, if unsubtle, sense of humour. Hair-pulling, eye-gouging and nose chomping are all to the max.
She has recently learnt how to stick her tongue out and make it go pointy. I asked Beloved about it and if we should take her to the doctor (not him, another one) and he showed me how his tongue can also go pointy. And roll. This is weird. But sort of clever.
Seven month olds are very clever. And pleased with themselves. And the world.
And they have the most radiant, joyous, cheeky smiles in the world.
Children are the source of life, warmth and joy. Their smile drives away all the worries. The pictures posted are wonderful by just looking at them a smile appears on your face. Thank you sharing and bringing smile on our face. May God bless her.
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ReplyDeleteNice! thank you so much! Thank you for sharing. Your blog posts are more interesting and informative. I think there are many people like and visit it regularly, including me.