Tuesday, December 14, 2010

There was a time...

There was a time, and I remember this time, that I could have a shower by myself. All by myself, with no one else inside the shower with me. With no squirming toddler, with no dirty plastic truck.
There was a time, and I remember this with even more nostalgia, when I could go to the bathroom all by myself. 
I remember this. 
I could sit on the toilet without trying to grab for the toddler climbing up the change table to crawl along to the bathroom sink to play with the taps. 
Or lunge for the toddler turning on the shower to flood the whole room so that he will then slip and look at me accusingly. 
We are presently staying in a granny flat. Which is great. Except for the granny-bathroom. Which has a hospital-style shower with no distinct edges. 
Every time you turn on the shower the whole bathroom floods and it takes four or five towels to de-flood it. 
The Sprocket loves to turn on the shower. 
I tried not bringing him into the bathroom with me once. 
I thought hey, just for a few minutes he will be alright out of my sight. 
I was wrong. 
I came out and he was sitting in the kitchen sink. 
I don't know how he got there. I just know that he was there. Within reach of my husband's super sharp knife, of the kettle, of the compost bin he loves to up-end.
The Poppet is just about to start crawling. She is pushing up her little butt and flailing her little legs. 
She thinks the Sprocket is the most amazing, the most wonderful, thing in the world. (After the milk) 
Soon she will also be turning on showers and climbing into sinks. 
There will be two of them. 
I am feeling very tired. 
And I am remembering the time I could go to the bathroom all by myself

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